Gonorrhea : Overview and Information

What is Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is a common bacterial STI caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can infect both men and women, affecting the genitals, rectum, and throat.

How Does It Happen?

Gonorrhea is primarily spread through sexual contact with an infected person. This includes vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The bacteria can be present in bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal fluids, and discharge from the rectum or throat.

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How to Avoid Gonorrhea?

  • Practice Safe Sex: Use condoms consistently and correctly during all forms of sexual activity.
  • Limit Sexual Partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners can lower the risk of infection.
  • Get Tested Regularly: Regular STI screenings can help catch infections early, even if symptoms are not present.
  • Communicate with Partners: Discuss sexual history and STI testing with partners.
  • Vaccination: There is currently no vaccine for gonorrhea, but vaccines for other STIs (like HPV and hepatitis) can provide protection against some sexually transmitted infections

How to Know If You Have Gonorrhea?

Many people with gonorrhea may not exhibit symptoms, especially in the early stages. However, if symptoms do occur, they can include:


  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Painful urination
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Spotting between periods
  • Anal Infection : Anal itching Pain during bowel movments
  • Throat Infections : Difficulty swallowing (less common)


  • Painful urination
  • Pus-like discharge from the penis
  • Swollen or painful testicles
  • Anal Infection : Anal itching
  • Anal Infection : Pain during bowel movements
  • Anal Infection : Discharge form anal
  • Throat Infections : Difficulty swallowing (less common)

Gonorrhea can be diagnosed through laboratory tests. Healthcare providers may take a urine sample or a swab from the infected area (genital, throat, or rectum).


Gonorrhea is treatable with antibiotics. However, it’s crucial to complete the full course of prescribed medication and to inform any sexual partners so they can also be tested and treated if necessary.


Awareness and preventive measures are essential for managing gonorrhea. If you suspect exposure or are experiencing symptoms, regular testing and safe sex practices can significantly reduce your risk of infection.

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Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD/STI)

What does a full panel STD test include?
How much is STD test in Thailand?
Can you test yourself for STDs?
Where is the easiest place to get tested for STDs?
What is the most common STD in Thailand?
How quickly do you get STD results?
What does chlamydia look like?
How much is STD test in Thailand?
How long does a STD test take in Thailand?
Which STD is most common in Thailand?
How to avoid STDs in Bangkok?
What is the most common STD in Asia?
What is the most common STD in this country?
What’s the easiest STD to catch?
What’s the worst STD to have?
What STD is not curable?
Which STD is 100% curable?
What is the hardest STD to get rid of?
What can be mistaken for an STD?
How can I check myself STD?
Would it be obvious if I had a STD?
What do STD bumps look like?
How can you tell if a man has STDs?
What do STD pimples feel like?
How to cure STD without going to the doctor?
Can an STD clear up on its own?
What are 5 symptoms of an STD?
Can I leave an STD untreated?
Can your body fight off STDs?
Can you live with an STD for years without knowing?
How long does STD stay in your body?
What is the quickest STD to show symptoms?
What STD shows up in 2 days?
What STDs Cannot be cured?
What’s the worst STD you can get?
What is the hardest STD to treat?
What STD is easiest to get rid of?
What is the riskiest STD?
What is the #1 most common STD?
Which STD kills the most?
How much is STD test in Thailand?
Where do I go to check to see if I have an STI?
How long does a STD test take in Thailand?
What is the rate of STI in Thailand?
Can you get STI treatment in Thailand?
Do you have to wear condoms in Thailand?
How to avoid STDs in Thailand?
Which country uses the least condoms?


ตรวจโรคติดต่อทางเพสสัมพันธุ์ ตรวจยังไง
ตรวจ STD กี่บาท
ตรวจ STD ใช้ประกันสังคมได้ไหม
เป็นประจําเดือน ตรวจSTD ได้ไหม
ค่า VL น้อยกว่า เท่าใด ไม่แพร่
STD มีอาการอย่างไร
ยา PrEP ราคาเท่าไร
โรคติดต่อทางเพสสัมพันธุ์มีอะไรบ้าง วิธีรักษา
ตรวจโรคติดต่อทางเพสสัมพันธุ์ ตรวจอะไรบ้าง


Candida glabrata
Candida albicans
Chlamydia trachomatis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Haemophilus ducreyi
Herpes simplex virus type 1
Herpes simplex virus type 2
Mycoplasma genitalium
Mycoplasma hominis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Streptococcus agalactiae
Treponema pallidum
Trichomonas vaginalis
Ureaplasma parvum
Ureaplasma urealyticum


How much does HIV test results cost?
How much does an HIV diagnosis test cost?
How much does determine HIV test cost?
Can you have HIV for 20 years and not know?
Can I get an HIV test at pharmacy?
How much is HIV test in Bangkok?
Is HIV test free in Thailand?
How much does an HIV test cost?
How much is an HIV test in Thailand?
How much is it to test for HIV?
Which HIV test is 100%?
What is HIV PCR?
What does HIV PCR negative mean?
When is the 4th generation HIV test 100% accurate?
Is a 4th generation HIV test conclusive at 4 weeks?
Can a 4th generation HIV test be false positive?
How accurate is the HIV 4th generation test?
How do you test for HIV Generation 4?
How do you determine HIV 4th generation?
What is the HIV window period in Thailand?


หลังตรวจภายใน ห้ามอะไรบ้าง
สูตินรีเวชกรรม ตรวจอะไรบ้าง

ตรวจ HPV

ตรวจ HPV กี่บาท
ตรวจหาเชื้อ HPV มีกี่แบบ
ตรวจHPV ควรตรวจกี่ปีครั้ง
HPV 16 และ 18 หายเองได้ไหม
เชื้อ HPV กลัวอะไร
เชื้อ HPV ติดทางน้ำลายได้ไหม
HPV อยู่ในร่างกายได้นานแค่ไหน
ผช ติดเชื้อ HPV ได้ไหม
คนติดเชื้อ HPV เยอะไหม
ตรวจ HPV ฟรีที่ไหน
ถ้าติดเชื้อ HPV ทำยังไง
เชื้อ HPV ตรวจเลือดเจอไหม
เชื้อ HPV อยู่ที่ไหน
HPV ติดทางเลือดไหม
ผู้ชายตรวจหาเชื้อ HPV ยังไง
ติดเชื้อHPV สามารถมีลูกได้ไหม
HPV สายพันธ์ไหนทำให้เกิดหูด
เชื้อ HPV เกิดขึ้นได้อย่างไร
เชื้อHPVหูดหงอนไก่ หายได้ไหม

HPV Test Price

What does an HPV test cost?
How much is an HPV blood test?
What is the cost of HPV PCR test?
How much is a Pap smear in Thailand?
Is Pap test for HPV?
What is the cost of a Pap test?
How is HPV tested in females?
Can I do my own Pap test?
Can Pap smear detect STD?
Is Pap smear painful?
Do STD tests check for HPV?
What if a Pap smear test is positive?
What are 5 symptoms of HPV?
Should I worry about HPV positive?
Can HPV be cured?
Is HPV serious?
Will I have HPV for life?
Can a man give a woman HPV?
Can a faithful couple get HPV?
Can I date a man with HPV?
What should I do if my wife has HPV?
Can I sleep with my partner if I have HPV?
Should I panic if I test positive for HPV?
Does sperm carry HPV virus?
Can HPV go away?
How to know if HPV is gone?
Can you get HPV from fingers?
How much is an HPV test?
What is the cost of HPV blood test?
How much does it cost to get HPV?
How common is HPV in Thailand?
Which country has highest HPV?
Who mostly gets HPV?
What are 5 symptoms of HPV?
Does HPV ever go away?
Should I be worried if I have HPV?
Should I panic if I test positive for HPV?
Can I still live a normal life with HPV?
Why am I suddenly HPV positive?
Is HPV a big deal?
Should my boyfriend get tested for HPV if I have it?
What should I do if my girlfriend has HPV?
Can I sleep with a girl who has HPV?
Can a faithful couple get HPV?
Can I date a girl with HPV?

Herpes Test

Can I test myself for herpes?
Can you get STI tests in Thailand?
Can a GP do a herpes test?
Is herpes testing expensive?
Is herpes a common STD test?
How long can you have herpes without knowing?
Can you sleep with someone with herpes and not get it?
What does a single herpes bump look like?
Is having herpes a big deal?
Is herpes the worst STD to have?
Should I date someone with herpes?
What famous person has herpes?
What kills herpes virus?
Will I ever be loved if I have herpes?
Can you get herpes from kissing?
How do I know who gave me herpes?
Do guys care if you have herpes?
Can herpes be dormant for 30 years?
Does herpes mean my partner cheated?
Can you donate blood if you have herpes?
Is there a cure for herpes coming soon?
What is the strongest natural antiviral for herpes?
Why is herpes not curable?
Would you date someone with herpes?
Is it shameful to have herpes?
How to tell a guy you have herpes?
How to stop worrying about herpes?
Is coffee bad for herpes?
What’s the worst thing about having herpes?
Can you fight off herpes?
How to prove someone gave you herpes?
What do the first stages of herpes look like?
What foods trigger herpes?

ตรวจ เริม

ตรวจ STD ได้ที่ไหนบ้าง
ตรวจ STD กี่บาท
โรคเอดส์ ตรวจเองได้ไหม
ยา ARV คือยาอะไร
ขอรับ PEP ได้ที่ไหน
ยา Pep เสียเงินไหม
ยา PrEP ราคาเท่าไร
PrEP ป้องกันกี่%
ค่า VL น้อยกว่า เท่าใด ไม่แพร่
ผื่นโรคเอดส์ คันไหม
โรคที่เกิดจากการมีเพศ สัมพันธ์ มีอะไรบ้าง
ตรวจ เอดส์ ปิด เคส กี่เดือน
ตรวจ SLE ราคากี่บาท
ตรวจสุขภาพ ประจำปีตรวจเอดส์ไหม
ตุ่ม ซิฟิลิส เป็นอย่างไร
ตรวจปัสสาวะ บอกอะไรได้บ้าง
โรคเอดส์ ตรวจเองได้ไหม

Hepatitis B

What is the cost of hepatitis B test?
What is hepatitis B lab test?
How much is the HBsAg test?
What is the 5 panel test for hepatitis B?
What are the 4 markers for hepatitis B?
What are 7 symptoms for HBV?
Can full blood count detect hepatitis B?
How to confirm hepatitis B?
What not to eat when you have hepatitis B?
How much does a Hep B titer test cost?
Is hepatitis B curable?
How much does a hepatitis blood test cost?
Can I still get hepatitis B even if I was vaccinated?
Is it safe to marry someone with hepatitis B?
How to convert hepatitis B positive to negative?

ตรวจไวรัสตับอักเสบ บี

ประกันสังคมตรวจไวรัสตับอักเสบบี ได้ไหม
ตรวจไวรัสตับอักเสบบี ยังไง
โรคตับอักเสบ มีกี่ระยะ
ยารักษาไวรัสตับอักเสบซี ราคาเท่าไร
ไวรัสตับอักเสบบี มียารักษาไหม
ไวรัสตับอักเสบซี น่ากลัวไหม

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